Thrace now follows, divided into fifty strategies[1], and to
be reckoned among the most powerful nations of Europe.
Among its peoples whom we ought not to omit to name are
the Denseletæ and the Medi, dwelling upon the right bank
of the Strymon, and joining up to the Bisaltæ above[2]
mentioned; on the left there are the Digerri and a number of
tribes of the Bessi[3], with various names, as far as the river
Mestus[4], which winds around the foot of Mount Pan-
gæum[5], passing among the Elethi, the Diobessi[6], the
Carbilesi; and then the Brysæ, the Sapæi, and the Odomanti.
The territory of the Odrysæ[7] gives birth to the Hebrus[8], its
banks being inhabited by the Cabyleti, the Pyrogeri, the
Drugeri, the Cænici, the Hypsalti, the Beni, the Corpili,
the Bottiæi, and the Edoni[9]. In the same district are also the
Selletæ, the Priantæ, the Doloncæ, the Thyni, and the
Greater Cœletæ, below Mount Hæmus, the Lesser at the
foot of Rhodope. Between these tribes runs the river Hebrus. We then
come to a town at the foot of Rhodope,
first called Poneropolis[10], afterwards Philippopolis[11] from the
name of its founder, and now, from the peculiarity of its
situation, Trimontium[12]. To reach the summit of Hæmus
you have to travel six[13] miles. The sides of it that look in
the opposite direction and slope towards the Ister are inhabited by
the Mœsi[14], the Getæ, the Aorsi, the Gaudæ, and
the Clariæ; below them, are the Arræi Sarmatæ[15], also called
Arreatæ, the Scythians, and, about the shores of the Euxine,
the Moriseni and the Sithonii, the forefathers of the poet
Orpheus[16], dwell.
Thus is Thrace bounded by the Ister on the north, by the
Euxine, and the Propontis[17] on the east, and by the Ægean
Sea on the south; on the coast of which, after leaving the
Strymon, we come in turn to Apollonia[18], Œsyma[19],
and Datos. In the interior is the colony of Philippi[21],
distant from Dyrrhachium 325 miles; also Scotussa[22], the
city of Topiris, the mouth of the river Mestus[23], Mount
Pangæus, Heraclea[24], Olynthos[25], Abdera[26], a
free city, the
people of the Bistones[27] and their Lake. Here was formerly
the city of Tirida, which struck such terror with its stables
of the horses[28] of Diomedes. At the present day we find
here Dicæa[29], Ismaron[30], the place where Parthenion stood,
Phalesina, and Maronea[31], formerly called Orthagorea. We
then come to Mount Serrium[32] and Zone[33], and then the
place called Doriscus[34], capable of containing ten thousand
men, for it was in bodies of ten thousand that Xerxes here
numbered his army. We then come to the mouth of the
Hebrus[35], the Port of Stentor, and the free town of Ænos[36],
with the tomb there of Polydorus[37], the region formerly of
the Cicones.
From Doriscus there is a winding coast as far as Macron
Tichos[38], or the "Long Wall," a distance of 122 miles;
round Doriscus flows the river Melas, from which the Gulf
of Melas[39] receives its name. The towns are, Cypsela[40],
Bisanthe[41], and Macron Tichos, already mentioned, so called
because a wall extends from that spot between the two
seas,—that is to say, from the Propontis to the Gulf of
Melas, thus excluding the Chersonesus[42], which projects
beyond it.
The other side of Thrace now begins, on the coast[43]
of the Euxine, where the river Ister discharges itself; and
it is in this quarter perhaps that Thrace possesses the finest
cities, Histropolis[44], namely, founded by the Milesians,
Tomi[45], and Callatis[46], formerly called Acervetis. It also
had the cities of Heraclea and Bizone, which latter was
swallowed up by an earthquake; it now has Dionysopolis[47],
formerly called Cruni, which is washed by the river Zyras.
All this country was formerly possessed by the Scythians,
surnamed Aroteres; their towns were, Aphrodisias, Libistos,
Zygere, Rocobe, Eumenia, Parthenopolis, and Gerania[48],
where a nation of Pigmies is said to have dwelt; the barbarians
used to call them Cattuzi, and entertain a belief
that they were put to flight by cranes. Upon the coast,
proceeding from Dionysopolis, is Odessus[49], a city of the
Milesians, the river Panysus[50], and the town of Tetranaulo-
chus. Mount Hæmus, which, with its vast chain, overhangs the Euxine, had in former times upon its summit
the town of Aristæum[51]. At the present day there are upon
the coast Mesembria[52], and Anchialum[53], where Messa formerly stood. The region of Astice formerly had a town
called Anthium; at the present day Apollonia[54] occupies
its site. The rivers here are the Panisos, the Riras, the
Tearus, and the Orosines; there are also the towns of
Thynias[55], Halmydessos[56], Develton[57], with its
lake, now known
as Deultum, a colony of veterans, and Phinopolis, near
which last is the Bosporus[58]. From the mouth of the Ister
to the entrance of the Euxine, some writers have made to be
a distance of 555 miles; Agrippa, however, increases the
length by sixty miles. The distance thence to Macron Tichos,
or the Long Wall, previously mentioned, is 150 miles; and,
from it to the extremity of the Chersonesus, 125.
On leaving the Bosporus we come to the Gulf of Casthenes[59],
and two harbours, the one called the Old Men's
Haven, and the other the Women's Haven. Next comes
the promontory of Chrysoceras[60], upon which is the town of
Byzantium[61], a free state, formerly called Lygos, distant from
Dyrrhachium 711 miles,—so great being the space of land
that intervenes between the Adriatic Sea and the Propontis.
We next come to the rivers Bathynias and Pydaras[62], or
Athyras, and the towns of Selymbria[63] and Perinthus[64], which
join the mainland by a neck only 200 feet in width. In the
interior are Bizya[65], a citadel of the kings of Thrace, and hated
by the swallows, in consequence of the sacrilegious crime
of Tereus[66]; the district called Cænica[67], and the colony of
Flaviopolis, where formerly stood a town called Cæla. Then,
at a distance of fifty miles from Bizya, we come to the colony
of Apros, distant from Philippi 180 miles. Upon the coast
is the river Erginus[68]; here formerly stood the town of
Ganos[69]; and Lysimachia[70] in the Chersonesus is being now
gradually deserted.
At this spot there is another isthmus[71], similar in name
to the other[72], and of about equal width; and, in a manner
by no means dissimilar, two cities formerly stood on the shore,
one on either side, Pactye on the side of the Propontis, and
Cardia[73] on that of the Gulf of Melas, the latter deriving its
name from the shape[74] which the land assumes. These, however,
were afterwards united with Lysimachia[75], which stands
at a distance of five miles from Macron Tichos. The Chersonesus formerly had, on the side of the Propontis, the towns
of Tiristasis, Crithotes, and Cissa[76], on the banks of the river
Ægos[77]; it now has, at a distance of twenty-two[78] miles from
the colony of Apros, Resistos, which stands opposite to the
colony of Parium. The Hellespont also, which separates,
as we have already[79] stated, Europe from Asia, by a channel
seven stadia in width, has four cities facing each other,
Callipolis[80] and Sestos[81] in Europe, and Lampsacus[82] and
Abydos[83] in Asia. On the Chersonesus, there is the promontory
of Mastusia[84], lying opposite to Sigeum[85]; upon
one side of it stands the Cynossema[86] (for so the tomb of
Hecuba is called), the naval station[87] of the Achæans, and a
tower; and near it the shrine[88] of Protesilaüs. On the ex-
treme front of the Chersonesus, which is called Æolium, there
is the city of Elæs. Advancing thence towards the Gulf of
Melas, we have the port of Cœlos[89], Panormus, and then
Cardia, previously mentioned.
In this manner is the third great Gulf of Europe bounded.
The mountains of Thrace, besides those already mentioned,
are Edonus, Gigemoros, Meritus, and Melamphyllos; the
rivers are the Bargus and the Syrmus, which fall into the
Hebrus. The length of Macedonia, Thrace, and the Hellespont has been
already[90] mentioned; some writers, however, make it 720 miles,
the breadth being 384.
What may be called a rock rather than an island, lying
between Tenos and Chios, has given its name to the Ægean
Sea; it has the name of Æx[91] from its strong resemblance
to a goat, which is so called in Greek, and shoots precipitately
from out of the middle of the sea. Those who are sailing towards the
isle of Andros from Achaia, see this rock on
the left, boding no good, and warning them of its dangers.
Part of the Ægean Sea bears the name of Myrtoan[92], being
so called from the small island [of Myrtos] which is seen
as you sail towards Macedonia from Geræstus, not far from
Carystus[93] in Eubœa. The Romans include all these seas
under two names,—the Macedonian, in those parts where it
touches the coasts of Macedonia or Thrace, and the Grecian
where it washes the shores of Greece The Greeks, however, divide the
Ionian Sea into the Sicilian and the Cretan
Seas, after the name of those islands; and they give the
name of Icarian to that part which lies between Samos and
Myconos. The gulfs which we have already mentioned,
have given to these seas the rest of their names. Such,
then, are the seas and the various nations which are comprehended in the third great Gulf of Europe.
1. Or præfectures, as the Romans called them.
2. In the last Chapter.
3. An extensive tribe occupying the country about the rivers Axius,
Strymon, and Nestus or Mestus.
4. This river is now called the Mesto or Kara-Sou.
5. A range between the Strymon and the Nestus, now the Pangea or
6. Probably a canton or division of the Bessi.
7. The most powerful people of Thrace; dwelling on both sides of the
Artiscus, and on the plain of the Hebrus.
8. Now the Maritza. It rises near the point where Mount Scomius
joins Mount Rhodope. The localities of most of the tribes here named
are unknown.
9. The name of this people is often used by the poets to express the
whole of Thrace. The district of Edonis, on the left bank of the Strymon,
properly extended from Lake Cercinitis as far east as the river Nestus.
10. Or "Trouble City," also called Eumolpias.
11. Or "Philip's City;" founded by Philip of Macedon; still called
12. Because it stood on a hill with three summits. Under the Roman
empire it was the capital of the province of Thracia.
13. On account probably of the winding nature of the roads; as the
height of the Balkan range in no part exceeds 3000 feet. With
Theopompus probably originated the erroneous notion among the
ancients as to its exceeding height.
14. The people of Mœsia. The Aorsi and Getæ are again mentioned in
C. 25 of this Book.
15. The inhabitants of the present Bulgaria, it is supposed.
16. Following the account which represent him as a king of the Cicones,
and dwelling in the vicinity of Mount Rhodope. The Sithonii here
mentioned dwelt about the mouth of the Ister, or Danube, and were a
different people from those of Sithonia, in Chalcidice, referred to in a
previous note.
17. The Sea of Marmora.
18. It is difficult to conceive which place of this name is here alluded to,
as there seem to have been four places on this coast so called, and all
mentioned by Pliny in the present Book.
19. Call Æsyma by Homer; between the rivers Strymon and Nestus.
20. Now called Kavallo, on the Strymonic Gulf. The site of Datos
appears to be unknown.
21. Now called Filiba, or Felibejik, on a height of Mount Pangæus, on
the river Gangites, between the Nestus and the Strymon. It was founded
by Philip, on the site of the ancient town of Crenides, in the vicinity of
the gold mines. Here Augustus and Antony defeated Brutus and Cassius,
B.C. 42; and here the Apostle Paul first preached the Gospel in Europe,
A.D. 53. See Acts xvi. 12.
22. Its site seems unknown, but it is evidently a different place from
that mentioned in the last Chapter.
23. Also called Mestus.
24. Sintica, previously mentioned.
25. Now Aco Mamas, at the head of the Toronaic Gulf. It was the
most important Greek city on the coast of Macedon. It was taken and
destroyed by Philip, B.C. 347, and its inhabitants sold as
slaves. Mecyberna, already mentioned, was used as its sea-port.
26. On the coast, and east of the river Nestus. Its people were
proverbial for their stupidity, though it produced the philosophers
Democritus, Protagoras, and Anaxarchus. No traces of its site are to
be found.
27. Now called the Lagos Buru. The name of the Bistones is
sometimes used by the poets for that of the Thracians in general.
28. Or mares rather. Diomedes was the son of Ares, or Mars, and king
of the Bistones. He was slain by Hercules.
29. By some identified with the modern Curnu, by others with Bauron.
30. Or Ismarus, at the foot of Mount Ismarus.
31. Now Marogna.
32. A promontory opposite the island of Samothrace.
33. A town on a promontory of the same name, said to have been
frequented by Orpheus.
34. The Plain of Doriscus is now called the Plain of Romigik. Parisot
suggests the true reading here to be 100,000, or, as some MSS. have
it, 120,000, there being nothing remarkable in a plain containing 10,000
men. Pliny however does not mention it as being remarkable, but
merely suggests that the method used by Xerxes here for numbering
his host is worthy of attention.
35. Now the Maritza. At its mouth it divides into two branches, the
eastern forming the port of Stentor.
36. Still called Enos.
37. A son of Priam and Hecuba, murdered by Polymnestor, king of the
Thracian Chersonesus, to obtain his treasures. See the Æneid, B. iii.
38. From the Greek, ma/kron tei=xos.
39. Now the Gulf of Enos.
40. Now Ipsala, or Chapsylar, near Keshan.
41. Now Rodosto, or Rodostshig, on the coast of the Propontis, or Sea
of Marmora.
42. Now called the Peninsula of the Dardanelles, or of Gallipoli. The
wall was built to protect it from incursions from the mainland.
43. He here skips nearly five degrees of latitude, and at once proceeds to
the northern parts of Thrace, at the mouth of the Danube, and moves to
the south.
44. Or, the "city of the Ister," at the south of Lake Halmyris, on the
Euxine. Its site is not exactly known; but by some it is supposed to
have been the same with that of the modern Kostendsje.
45. Now Temesvar, or Jegni Pangola, the capital of Scythia Minor. It
was said to have been so called from the Greek te/mnw, "to cut," because
Medea here cut to pieces the body of her brother Absyrtus. It is famous
as the place of Ovid's banishment; and here he wrote his 'Tristia' and his
'Pontic Epistles.'
46. Usually identified with the modern Collat, or Collati.
47. Its site does not appear to be known, nor yet those of many of the
towns here mentioned.
48. This story no doubt arose from the similarity of its name to
"a crane;" the cranes and the Pigmies, according to the poets, being in
a state of continual warfare.
49. Supposed to be the present Varna.
50. Now called Daphne-Soui, according to D'Anville.
51. Said to have been built by Aristæus, son of Apollo.
52. Now Missivri.
53. Or Anchiale, now Akiali.
54. Now Sizeboli, famous for its temple of Apollo, with his statue, thirty
cubits in height, which Lucullus carried to Rome. In later times it
was called Sozopolis.
55. Now Tiniada.
56. The present Midjeh, according to D'Anville.
57. Afterwards called Zagora, which name it still bears.
58. Or Straits of Constantinople.
59. Between Galata and Fanar, according to Brotier.
60. Or Golden Horn; still known by that name.
61. The site of the present Constantinople.
62. These rivers do not appear to have been identified.
63. The present Silivri occupies its site.
64. An important town of Thrace. Eski Erekli stands on its site.
65. Now Vizia, or Viza.
66. He alludes to the poetical story of Tereus, king of Thrace, Progne,
and Philomela. Aldrovandus suggests that the real cause of the absence
of the swallow is the great prevalence here of northern winds, to which
they have an aversion.
67. So called probably from the Thracian tribe of the Cænici, or Cæni.
68. Now called Erkene, a tributary of the Hebrus.
69. All that is known of it is, that it is mentioned as a fortress on the
70. Hexamila now occupies its site.
71. The isthmus or neck of the Peninsula of Gallipoli, or the Dardanelles.
72. That of Corinth. They are both about five miles wide at the narrowest part.
73. Now Cardia, or Caridia. It was the birth-place of king Eumenes.
74. From kardi/a, in consequence of its supposed resemblance to a heart.
75. Lysimachus destroyed Cardia, and, building Lysimachia, peopled it
with the inhabitants.
76. Mannert identifies it with the ancient Ægos and the modern Galata.
77. More generally called Ægospotamos, the "Goat River," upon which
the town of Ægos stood. It was here that Lysander defeated the
Athenian fleet, B.C. 405, which put an end to the
Peloponnesian war.
78. Antoninus, in his Itinerary, makes this distance twenty-six miles.
79. B. ii. c. 92. The present Straits of Gallipoli.
80. Now Gallipoli, a place of considerable commercial importance.
81. Now Ialova; famous in Grecian poetry, with Abydos, for the loves
of Hero and Leander.
82. Now Lamsaki.
83. The village of Aidos, or Avido, probably marks its site. To the
north, Xerxes passed over to Sestos on his bridge of boats,
B.C. 480.
84. Now Capo Helles.
85. Now Jeni-Hisari, the N.W. promontory of Troas. Here Homer
places the Grecian camp during the Trojan war.
86. Meaning the "Bitch's tomb," the fable being that Hecuba, in her
old age, was changed into that animal. It was near the town of Madytus.
87. Meaning that their fleet was anchored off here during the Trojan war.
88. A magnificent temple was erected near his tomb at Eleus, where he
also had a sacred grove. It was greatly enriched by the votive offerings
of Greek travellers. According to D'Anville, its site lay to the south of
89. Now called Kilidbahr. Near this place the Spartans were
defeated by the Athenians, who erected a trophy near the tomb of
90. In the present Chapter; where he says that the distance from
Byzantium to Dyrrhachium is 711 miles. See p. 305.
91. Ai)\c, "a goat." Other authors give other derivations
for the name of
Ægean,—from the town of Ægæ in Eubœa, or from Ægeus, the father
of Theseus, who threw himself into it; or from Ægæa, a queen of the
Amazons, who perished there; or from Ægæon, a god of the sea; or
from the Greek ai)gi\s, "a squall," on account of its storms.
92. See c. 5 of this Book.
93. Both places in Eubœa, mentioned in c. 21 of this Book.